So how many of you ex Jw's are fat asses? Or are you all just the exception? What I find funny is that you are all like drones agreeing on everything. Why do the majority of apostates have their nose stuck up each others asses? It seems like a lot of apostates haven't changed. They go from JW suck ups to Apostate "let's kiss each others asses". With the exception of a few some who seem to genuinely care about current JW's and ex Jw's.
Some of the same people who are saying "let's help these brainwashed cult people to see the light" in turn are saying JW's are bunch of fat asses and let's make fun of these poor misguided people every chance we get, because we want to help them. But a lot of you who are saying you want to help them wouldn't piss up a JW's ass if their guts were on fire.
Victoria Cruz
JoinedPosts by Victoria Cruz
Overweight JWs -- on the increase?
by Seeker inyes, i know, the title is a pun.
it was deliberate.. i can recall in the 1970s seeing very few overweight jws.
in fact, i used to think (in my arrogant jw manner) that this was a sign of how jws were better at self-control than worldly people.
Victoria Cruz
A few things I don't understand about the bible
by Leander inthere have always been things about the bible that never really made much sense to me.
not to say that i disagree with whats in the bible but i have wondered about the fairness of certain things.. 1. for example i've always even as a child thought that it was odd that so many people would die during armageddon.
now as an adult and i understand people better than i did years ago i really do feel puzzled about the fact that according to the scriptures the majority of mankind will perish.
Victoria Cruz
All of the things you mentioned and other things I have wondered myself, make me question the validity of the bible. *gasp*
And now when I think about the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions, why not think that God could wipe out so many people? He has, several times. Even innocent babies. Or had them killed by "godly" men. So it's not a far off idea. -
Should is the most dangerous word
by joelbear inthis bear has been pondering just how dangerous the word "should" is.. "should" moves us into a state of constant frustration since "should" so rarely equates with "is".. joel
Victoria Cruz
Hey Joel, I remember you from AOL years ago. I was one of the fortunate one that got to see you naked as a jail bird in the wilderness. Someone told me I "should" look. Ponder no more the word "should" can be dangerous.
I had a lot of fun with you. But that was when AOL used to be fun. Now it's boring. -
JW-Girl want's to marry killer
by Kent in .
yakki da.
Victoria Cruz
Well they say there is 4 sisters to one brother. Maybe she got a little desperate? Beggars can't be choosers.
A Vision of Paradise
by Stephanus infinally rehashed something i wrote about 5 years ago, entitled "how to create a vision of paradise":.
(randy watters mentioned something about putting part i in freeminds journal; i don't know if it ever happened)
Victoria Cruz
I don't know Stephanus, I can't walk to my mail box without feeling a need to put on a gas mask and chemicle protective suit. Why not let them believe in the paradise? With everything going on I wish I still believed in it as much as I used to.
Now to Prisca, you look good. And I have a leather jacket. But there is no way in hell I can pull of leather pants. Although, I feel for you having a pic put in a post like that lol. I was a long time poster on another JW forum. Then I was a pretty good JW. But there was this one guy who posted that wasn't a JW. He was sooo nice. And a lot of the JW's really liked him even though he was anti-JW on a lot of things. But he was fair. So we started talking on the phone and we decided to meet. And of course I didn't tell any of my fellow JW posters. So we met at a party of one of his friends. One of his friends wants to take a pic. I am wearing a short dress, I have a drink in my hand, lol he has a cig in his hand and he has his arm around my waist. His friend takes the pic. Two days later a thread is started by him "Me and Victoria met!" and here is our pic. And that ended my being a "JW in good standing" to a few. But it was fun and I'm glad I did it.
Hebrews and Greek Scripture NWT
by Kophagangelos ini would know more to check the hebrews scripture of nwt.
and i have found also 50 errors in the greek scripure of nwt.
i need more scripure - about 100 hebrews and 100 greek scriputres.
Victoria Cruz
This might be of some help. It is a JW ran group HOWEVER, this board is mainly for people of other religions (scholarly type) to counteract an argument made by witnesses regarding the Greek and at times Hebrew language. What you can do is type in either the scripture or word you think you have found error in and read the argument of the JW and an argument from a person of another faith or just a scholarly person. You can tell easily the witnesses from the non-witnesses. There are some brilliant people on there. The good thing is you can see both sides. There are tons of references there so you can buy the source and show the elder first hand if it's that important to you. Here is the link
Why I will NEVER become a Jehovahs Witness
by kevin221 inbecause they are insane.
mabey not all of them, but the one's i've been exposed to so far have some serious mental problems.
and for the record i'm not talking about their religious beliefs, i'm basing my opinion on direct actions taken by the ones that i have had personal experience with.. thought some of you might be interested in the things that have been going on with me and jon's family.
Victoria Cruz
Kevin, many Jehovahs Witnesses are like that if not in action then in attitude especially towards homosexuals.
I think it's very rare you will hear of a Jehovah's Witness commiting a hate crime against anyone. I'm sure there have been. And it would probably be announced they were Jehovah's Witness because it is rare. And any disdain Jehovah's Witnesses have for gays is stemmed from a deep belief in the bible. Anyone who reads the bible knows God does not like homosexual acts. I won't go as far as saying he doesn't like them personally because I'm not God. So of course, they think they shouldn't like them.
And of course you have an idiot putting a nasty message on a car. But I won't lump the majority of JW's as being nasty or hateful. Because that is not my experience with them. Had I had the experience as the original poster I might. -
If Andy Griffith Was an Elder....
by SixofNine in....he'd be saying "waaaeeell, boutros boutros ghali.
i'll say; don't this ngo thang jist take the cake?!
Victoria Cruz
BTW... SixOfNine, your handle looks so familar. Are you on Yahoo or AOL?
If Andy Griffith Was an Elder....
by SixofNine in....he'd be saying "waaaeeell, boutros boutros ghali.
i'll say; don't this ngo thang jist take the cake?!
Victoria Cruz
....he'd be saying "Waaaeeell, Boutros Boutros Ghali. I'll say; Don't this ngo thang jist take the cake?!!.
LOL... to funny. It reminded me of yesterday when I told a Southern brother about it on the phone at work and gave him the link. I heard silence then the clicking of his mouse then he said, "well aint that some shiiiit."
by hawkaw inas of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
Victoria Cruz
Well in 7 August 1992 press release read the last paragraph where is clearly states "To be granted association status with DPI, NGOs .... support the Charter of the United Nations ....".
Well in the 14 February 1992 press release read paragraph 5 on page 1 where it states "To be granted association status with DPI, NGOs .... support the Charter of the United Nations ....".
If,... when they say that to be granted association status with the DPI and support the Charter of the UN... wouldn't that mean the human rights charter in regards to the WT? If so, would this still be a big deal?